Archivo de la categoría: Uncategorized

Fun Friday games for 3rd ESO students

Past simple irregular verbs Past simple and past continuous too / enough, too much / too many too / enough films: vocabulary films 2 film genres

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Present Simple Practise and games

First,, just a reminder… Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Matching game

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Modal verbs

can, could, be able to have to. must, should

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Curts: inclusió

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Project WRITING: design and present a range of clothes

-HI ! Hello! This is our / my presentation. -We have designed the following clothes collection. -The name of our collection is… -Our clothes are for … -They are for people interested in … -In our collection we include: t-shirts, … Seguir leyendo

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Unit 4 project (1st ESO)

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Unstoppable Snap Flowers I gotta Feeling Thunder

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Freedom writers

Quiz test Quiz test 2 Quotes Excuse me, may I please get some help in here? You’re gonna waste your talents on people who don’tgive a damn about education. It breaks my heart With all due respect, all that program … Seguir leyendo

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Future tenses

will or be going to? Future tenses B1 game Future tenses B1 game 2

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Unit 6 Games (3rd ESO)

Friendship Adjectives of personality Modal verbs 1 Modal verbs 2 Be able to, can, could

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